
The Shadow of Yidhra

Video Post

Action platforming game released January of this year. Gameplay wise, despite missing a few elements that I prefer in a game of this nature (somewhat rectified in the video), it is a pretty decent game. The stages are designed well, and allow for just enough exploration to be engaging. The controls are tight, and despite having no ready joystick support the game overall functions very well. The storyline from what I can piece together of the sub-par translation is at least a little interesting.

A crux that I find the game has is it’s lack of dynamic animation. The main character, although gorgeous and expertly designed for this game, only ever seems to operate at a stiff 3/4th’s view outside of full screen CG’s like every other character in the game, no matter what he/she/it is doing. So despite decent animation pacing, this leaves it with much to be desired. Overall however, this is a decent game and close to what you’d want from a hentai action platformer.

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